“Zero Balancing is a leading-edge body-mind manual therapy.  It can quickly drop a person into a sublimely relaxed meditative state in which tension patterns in body and mind are easily released by the body's innate self-referencing and self-correcting mechanisms.” - Dr. Michelle Doucette, DC

Grounded in precise technique and anatomical detail

Formulated in 1973 by Dr. Fritz Frederick  Smith, MD./DO., LAc.,  as a structural acupressure method to balance energy and structure within the body, the carefully designed ZB protocol first addresses the mid and lower body, including torso, legs and feet, followed by the upper body, neck, head shoulders and arms.
Zero Balancing re-balances areas of tension and tightness held within the body. Clearing these restrictions enhances the flow of energy in your cells, allowing tissues to feel softer and more open with an increased feeling of vitality and “aliveness”.

A set protocol adjusted to how you are feeling

You can enjoy ZB without having to describe your issues, although it is helpful to frame them clearly.  Practitioners are trained to respond fluidly to your needs in the moment, so that within the ZB protocol each session can unfold quite differently.

Complementary with other body-work modalities

ZB sits comfortably in relationship with other therapies and practices such as massage, structural integration, chiropractic, cranial-sacral therapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, yoga, reiki, tai chi and meditation, supporting a holistic approach to personal wellness.

What are the benefits?

Zero Balancing calms you from the inside out

A Zero Balance session will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, counteracting the physiological and psychological impact of the “fight, flight or freeze” hormone cortisol. Then the residual emotional stress, anxiety, chronic muscular tension and depletion of the immune system is released and healthfully balanced, allowing your body to rest.

Gently release physical, mental and emotional tension

Zero Balancing works on multiple levels of the body-mind to release tissue-held memory and tension patterns that may be affecting your mental, emotional and physical states.  

Release long-held trauma and negative emotions

Long-held trauma and negative emotions can be expressed in the body as deep patterns of tension in our skeleton which manifest as postural issues and other physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances, including pain and disease. ZB  can, over a series of sessions, facilitate the release of this sort of patterning imprinted at a vibrational level in our bones, in a way similar to ironing out the creases in our being.

Many experiencing Zero Balancing have found support for their journeys of self-discovery, self-acceptance and an ability to create positive, life-affirming change.

Increase feelings of health and well-being

Zero Balancing induces a state of deep rest that allows you to feel truly relaxed, renewed and recharged. Regular ZB sessions may help you to feel more aware and alive.